Shashtika PindaSweda


The word ‘PINDA’ means bolus. Pinda sweda refers to the sudation performed by bolus of drugs. Shashtika pinda sweda is performed in ekanga or sarvanga with the bolus of boiled Shashtika shali with Balamoola kwatha and ksheera. The main properties of Shashtika are snigdha, guru, sthira, sheeta and tridoshaghna. Though a sweda karma, it has brimhana guna.

Materials required:
1. Shashtika shali-500g
2. Balamoola-750g
3. Water- Q. S.
4. Cow’s milk-3litres
5. Cotton cloth(45cm X 45cm)- 4 pieces
6. Threads(75cm)- 8
7. Vessels-
a. For preparing kwatha
b. For cooking rice
c. To heat the boluses in mixture of kwatha and milk during the procedure (5 litres capacity with wide mouth made of bronze)
d. A plate for carrying heated pottali
8. Stove-1
9. Oil for talam- 10ml
10. Rasnadi choorna- 5g
11. Suitable oil for abhyanga-100ml
12. Coconut leaves/tongue cleaner-2
13. Tissue paper/towel- 2
14. Masseurs -2
15. Attendant - 1

Preparation of the medicine:
Balamoola kwatha- 750g of Balamoola is cleaned, crushed and boiled in 12 litres of water and reduced to 3 litres.
Shashtika rice cooking-In 1.5 litres of Balamoola kashaya and 1.5 litres of milk, 500 g of Shashtika rice should be added and boiled till it becomes thick and semisolid. Sufficient quantity of hot water can be used for proper cooking of the rice. Another method is that the Shashtika rice can be semi cooked in pure water; gradually added milk and kwatha; cooked again.

Preparation of the boluses:
The cooked rice should be divided into 4 equal parts and put into 4pieces of cotton cloths. The three corners should be folded neatly together so as to come under the fourth corner and the fourth fold is used to cover the other three corner folds underneath. One end of the thread is held tight with left hand and the other end is wound around the folds. In short, the boluses should be tied in such a way that the mouth of the sac leaves a


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